
Last updated on June 19, 2023

You might think that the installation of your air conditioning is a job that can be left to anyone with basic DIY skills, but this isn’t always the case. In reality, there are many steps which you need to undertake to ensure your AC installation goes off without a hitch and runs smoothly for years. As well as reading our blog post on the subject, here are some extra tips on what you should do before hiring an AC installation company.

What to do before installation

As a homeowner, you can do several things to prepare for your AC installation and help ensure a perfect installation. First, review the energy efficiency rating (EER) of the unit you’ve selected and make sure it’s the right size for your home. An AC that’s too small won’t cool your home properly, while one that’s too large will be less efficient and will cycle on and off more frequently.

Next, clear any debris and obstructions from around the area where the unit will be installed. This includes removing any bushes, branches, or other growth that could impede air flow. Finally, make sure the area is level – an uneven surface can cause problems with your AC unit’s operation.

By taking these simple steps, you’ll help ensure that your AC installation goes smoothly and that your new unit operates efficiently and effectively.

AC Installation Procedure

It is always best to hire a professional AC installation company to ensure your AC unit is installed correctly. However, not all Hunter Valley AC installers are equal, so here are a few tips so you can keep an eye on their professionalism.

A professional AC Installer should follow these steps.

1. Taking time to correctly identify the problem

Assuming there is a problem, taking the time to identify it, before shot gunning a repair or an outright replacement, an AC installer should first identify the problem with the current unit. This can be done using various methods of testing and troubleshooting. It can also give insights for the next installation to be tweaked accordingly.

2. Ensure the power is not live and safety is a priority.

In Australia, safety should be the first concern. Is your installer wearing the appropriate safety gear? Are they taking all measures to keep themselves, and your family safe? If not, cancel the job immediately because this will be an indication that the rest of your installation won’t be as detailed as it should be.

3. Inspect the aircon ductwork and registers

A professional AC installer will inspect your ductwork and registers thoroughly to see if they are correctly sized for your home. They may also clean your ducts and registers to ensure they are free of debris that could prevent proper airflow. Any gaps in your ductwork or a poorly secured unit could lead to airflow loss, and inefficiency, so having someone who is fastidious in their detail is important.

4. Remove the old AC unit (if necessary)

If you are replacing your old AC unit, a professional AC installer will remove it safely and dispose of it properly. They will also take this opportunity to clean any debris from around your outdoor unit to prepare for the installation of your new unit.

5. Install new AC unit (or repair existing one)

Once your old AC unit is removed (or if you are simply repairing your existing unit), a professional AC installer will install your new unit or make the necessary repairs to get your existing unit up and running again. This includes adding refrigerant, charge testing, and more.

What to do during installation

AC installers should do this as part of the process, but it’s a good idea for you to be aware in case any steps get missed. Here are a few things you can do during the installation process to help make sure everything goes smoothly:


  • Make sure the area where the AC unit will be installed is clear and clean. This will help ensure proper airflow and prevent any potential damage to the unit.


  • Read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. This will help you see any potential mistakes that could lead to problems down the road.


  • Test the AC unit before you leave the job site. Don’t just leave it to the AC installer. Test it thoroughly. This will give you peace of mind, knowing that the unit is working properly.

What not to do during installation

If you are having central air conditioning installed in your home, there are a few things that you should avoid doing during the installation process. Doing any of these things could result in a less than perfect installation, so it is best to play it safe and steer clear of them altogether.


  • Don’t try to do it yourself – This is one job that is best left to the professionals. AC installation is not a DIY project, and attempting it could void your warranty, cause damage to your home, or even injure you.


  • Don’t skimp on buying quality – When it comes to AC units, you get what you pay for. If you try to save money by buying a cheap unit, it will likely break down sooner and need more repairs than a higher quality unit. In the long run, you will actually save money by investing in a good AC unit.


  • Don’t neglect maintenance – Once your AC unit is installed, it is important to keep up with regular maintenance, like changing the air filter and having it serviced annually. Neglecting maintenance will shorten the lifespan of your unit and lead to more expensive repairs down the road. Your AC installer can easily book you in for this.

Potential problems and how AC installers fix them

When it comes to AC installation, there are a few potential problems that could occur if the company isn’t careful. Here are a few of those problems and how to fix them:


  • Incorrectly Sized Unit: This is probably the most common problem that occurs during AC installation. If the unit is too small, it won’t be able to properly cool the space. Conversely, if the unit is too large, it will run inefficiently and waste energy. The key is to get the sizing just right. The best way to do this is by using a load calculation. This will take into account the square footage of the space, insulation, windows, and other factors to determine the perfect sized unit for the space.


  • Poor Installation: Another common problem is poor installation from AC installers. This can happen when the unit isn’t properly secured or when there are gaps in the aircon ducting work. Both of these problems can lead to air leaks and inefficiency. To avoid this, make sure that the company you hire takes their time with the installation and does it properly.


  • Lack of Maintenance: Once your AC unit is installed, it’s important to maintain it properly. This means cleaning.


There are a few key things that AC installation companies should do to ensure a perfect installation. First, they should make sure the unit is properly sized for the space. Second, they should install it in an area that gets good airflow. Third, they should use proper insulation and sealing techniques. And fourth, they should test the unit before they leave to make sure it’s working properly. By following these simple tips, Hunter Valley AC installations companies can help their customers enjoy many years of cool, comfortable indoor air without any problems.

Posted onOctober 7, 2022

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